Noa Gadow

I am a research associate in the department of education and socialisation at the Institute for Educational Science and am doing my doctorate with JProf. Dr. Meike Bonefeld. As part of my doctorate, I am researching the so-called bias awareness of student teachers and teachers. Bias awareness is the extent to which people are aware of and concerned about the expression and consequences of their implicit bias (Perry, Murphy & Dividio, 2015). In particular, I am interested in whether higher bias awareness in (prospective) teachers makes them more accepting of feedback on their own implicit biases. I am also investigating the question of how higher bias awareness affects the judgement of (prospective) teachers.

In teaching, I offer courses on dealing with diversity in different educational contexts.


Education and Socialisation

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Rempartstraße 11
79098 Freiburg

Tel: 0761 – 20396918
E-Mail: noa.gadow|at|