JProf. Dr. Meike Bonefeld
Education, Socialization, and Development
MITU (developed by Prof. Dr. Karina Karst and Dr. Meike Bonefeld) is a virtual classroom with 16 2nd grade students. In the classroom, the study participants can find out about the performance and other characteristics of the students. The instrument is particularly suitable for examining the effect of pupil characteristics on the accuracy of teachers’ judgements. In addition, process data on participants’ judgement behavior can be generated. Documentation of the instrument can be found here.
Karst, K. & Bonefeld, M. (2020). Judgment Accuracy of Pre-service Teachers Regarding Student Performance: The Influence of Attention Allocation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 94, 103099.
Bonefeld, M., Karst, K. & Dickhäuser, O. (2019). Do Preservice Teachers’ Judgments and Judgment Accuracy Depend on Students’ Characteristics? The Effect of Gender and Immigration Background. Social Psychology of Education, 23, 189–216.