In research and teaching, our Department of Educational Science contributes to promoting educational processes and qualifying people for activities in education. In research, we investigate conditions, processes, and outcomes of teaching and learning within and outside educational institutions from the perspectives of educational psychology and developmental psychology.
In teaching, we offer the Bachelor’s degree program in Educational Science and Educational Management, the Master’s degree program in Educational Science – Teaching and Learning, and the educational science courses in the two-major Bachelor’s degree with teaching option and in the Master of Education. Our degree programs regularly rank in the top group in CHE rankings. All degrees are taught in German.
Latest publications
Schulz, J., Miyamoto, A., Nückles, M. (2025). Navigating the Academic Road with an Empty Tank? The Impact of Financial and Time Scarcity Mindsets on Students’ Sense of Agency. International Journal of Educational Research.
Ernst, H., M., Prinz-Weiss, A., Wittwer, J., & Voss, T. (2025). Discrepancy between performance and feedback affects mathematics student teachers’ self-efficacy but not their self-assessment accuracy Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1391093.
Hans, S., & Voss, T. (2024). Lernstandserhebungen: Mehrwert oder nur Mehraufwand? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Advance online publication.
Miyamoto, A., Gauly, B., & Zabal, A. (2024). Gender differences in literacy in PIAAC: do assessment features matter?. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 12(1), 21.
Zeeb, H., & Voss, T. (2024). Fostering preservice teachers’ research-related beliefs and motivation with growth mindset and utility value interventions. Motivation Science. Advance online publication.
Golke, S. & Wittwer, J. (2024). Informative narratives increase students’ situational interest in science topics. Learning and Instruction. Advance online publication.
Nückles, M. (2024). Quo Vadis Lehr-Lernforschung? Versuch der wissenschaftstheoretischen Verortung eines transdisziplinären und multiperspektivischen Forschungsfeldes. Unterrichtswissenschaft. Advance online publication.
Steininger, T. M., Wittwer, J., & Voss, T. (2024). Learning relational categories: Benefits of blocking, classification, and subject-specific examples. Psychology Learning & Teaching. Advance online publication.
Wimmer, L., Currie, G., Friend, S., Wittwer, J., & Ferguson, H. J. (2024). Cognitive effects and correlates of reading fiction: Two preregistered multilevel meta-analyses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.
Bönke, N., Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Richter, D., & Voss, T. (2024). Long-term changes in teacher beliefs and motivation: Progress, stagnation or regress? Teaching and Teacher Education, 141, 104489.
Wittwer, J., Hans, S., & Voss, T. (2023). Inclusion of autistic students in schools: Knowledge, self-efficacy, and attitude of teachers in Germany. Autism. Advance online publication.
Miyamoto, A. (2023). A role of gender in the reciprocal relations between intrinsic reading motivation and reading comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 1-14.
Wimmer, L., Steininger, T. M., Schmid, A., & Wittwer, J. (2023). Category learning in autistic individuals: A meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Wimmer, L., Isherwood, K. R., Parkinson, J., & Dorjee, D. (2023). Relating dispositional mindfulness and long-term mindfulness training with executive functioning, emotion regulation, and well-being in pre-adolescents. Psychological Studies.
Voss, T.*, Klusmann, U.*, Bönke, N., Richter, D., & Kunter, M. (2023). Teachers’ emotional exhaustion and teaching enthusiasm before versus during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a long-term longitudinal study. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. *first authors
Theobald, M., Bäulke, L., Bellhäuser, H., Breitwieser, J., Mattes, B., Brod, G., Daumiller, M., Dresel, M., Liborius, P., & Nückles, M. (2023). A Multi-Study Examination of Intra-Individual Feedback Loops Between Competence and Value Beliefs, Procrastination, and Goal Achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 74.
Yendell, O., Claus, C., Bonefeld, M., Karst, K. (2023). “I wish I could say, ‘Yeah, both the same’”: Cultural stereotypes and individual differentiations of preservice teachers about different low socioeconomic origins. Social Psychology of Education.
Kienzler, J., Voss, T., & Wittwer, J. (2023). Student teachers’ conceptual knowledge of operant conditioning: How can case comparison support knowledge acquisition? Instructional Science.
Zeeb, H., Ibach, A., Voss, T., & Renkl, A. (2023). How teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and experience affect their perception of students’ fixed mindsets. Teaching and Teacher Education, 130, 104170.
Ernst, H. M., Wittwer, J., & Voss, T. (2023). Do they know what they know? Accuracy in teacher candidates’ self-assessments and its influencing factors. British Educational Research Journal.
Ferguson, H. J., & Wimmer, L. (2023). A psychological exploration of empathy. In F. Mezzenzana & D. Peluso, Conversations on Empathy (1st ed., pp. 60–77). Routledge.