Tim Steininger
I am a Doctoral Research Associate in the section Empirische Lehr- und Lernforschung at the Department of Educational Science. In the project EXCITED, I investigate effects of different types of examples on category learning in teacher education. This project is part of the research program CuPha, which aims to design a coherent curriculum across the theoretical and practical phases during teacher education. The program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Qualitaetsoffensive Lehrerbildung) within the cooperative project FACE – Researching Practice, Practicing Research.
In the project MYCAP, I contribute to a meta-analysis. This meta-analysis aims to provide a synthesis of the available research on the question how autistic individuals categorize objects or living beings.
In the project MINT-ProNeD I coordinate the location Freiburg in the development of teacher trainings and counceling concepts to foster adaptive, process-centered, and digital innovations in MINT teacher education.
In teaching, I offer courses on learning theories, research methods, and pedagogical-psychological diagnostics.
I am the coordinator for the M.A. program Bildungswissenschaft – Lehren und Lernen.
Instruction, Learning, and Difference
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Rempartstraße 11
79098 Freiburg
Tel: 0761 – 2032447
E-Mail: tim.steininger|at|ezw.uni-freiburg.de
Office hours: by appointment by e-mail