Nikolaus Bönke

I am a Doctoral Research Associate in the section Teaching, Learning, and Motivation at the Department of Educational Science.

In the COACTIV-expeRt  project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), I investigate the long-term development of teachers’ professional competence. The focus of my research is the development of teachers’ individual resources and their relevance for later success in the teaching profession. Particularly, I’m interested in teacher motivation and their personal beliefs.

I teach courses in research methods and educational psychology.

At the institute, I am the responsible administrator and contact person for the web-based SONA system. I also coordinate the research activities in the on-site laboratories.


Teaching, Learning, and Motivation

Department of Educational Science
University of Freiburg
Rempartstraße 11
79098 Freiburg

Phone: +49 761 – 2039811
Email: nikolaus.boenke|at|

Office hours: by appointment only