Tim Steininger

I am a Doctoral Research Associate in the section Empirische Lehr- und Lernforschung at the Department of Educational Science. In the project EXCITED, I investigate effects of different types of examples on category learning in teacher education. This project is part of the research program CuPha, which aims to design a coherent curriculum across the theoretical and practical phases during teacher education. The program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Qualitaetsoffensive Lehrerbildung) within the cooperative project FACEResearching Practice, Practicing Research.

In the project MYCAP, I contribute to a meta-analysis. This meta-analysis aims to provide a synthesis of the available research on the question how autistic individuals categorize objects or living beings.

In the project MINT-ProNeD I coordinate the location Freiburg in the development of teacher trainings and counceling concepts to foster adaptive, process-centered, and digital innovations in MINT teacher education.

In teaching, I offer courses on learning theories, research methods, and pedagogical-psychological diagnostics.

I am the coordinator for the M.A. program Bildungswissenschaft – Lehren und Lernen.


Instruction, Learning, and Difference

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Rempartstraße 11
79098 Freiburg

Tel: 0761 – 2032447
E-Mail: tim.steininger|at|ezw.uni-freiburg.de

Office hours: by appointment by e-mail